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  3. 32-141
Events at this venue

25th Annual LIDS Student Conference

32-141 , United States

Welcome to the 24th annual LIDS Student Conference! The annual LIDS student conference provides an opportunity for graduate students to present their research to peers as well as to the community at large. The conference will be held on January 29 – 30, at MIT's Stata Center Rooms 32-141.

Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China’s Great Firewall

32-141 , United States

Abstract: As authoritarian governments around the world develop sophisticated technologies for controlling information, many observers have predicted that these controls would be ineffective because they are easily thwarted and evaded by savvy Internet users. In Censored, Margaret Roberts demonstrates that even censorship that is easy to circumvent can still be enormously effective. Taking advantage of…

Functional Representation of Random variables and Applications

32-141 , United States

The functional representation lemma says that given random variables X and Y, there exists a random variable Z, independent of X, and a function g(x,z) such that Y=g(X,Z). This lemma has had several applications in information theory aimed at simplifying computations of certain information functional. I will present a strengthened version of this lemma and…

Can machine learning survive the artificial intelligence revolution?

32-141 , United States

  Abstract: Data and algorithms are ubiquitous in all scientific, industrial and personal domains. Data now come in multiple forms (text, image, video, web, sensors, etc.), are massive, and require more and more complex processing beyond their mere indexation or the computation of simple statistics, such as recognizing objects in images or translating texts. For…

Text as Data in Social Science: Discovery, Measurement and Causal Inference

32-141 , United States

Social scientists are increasingly turning to computer-assisted text analysis as a way of understanding the digital footprints left by communities and individuals. Much of the technology that powers these approaches is borrowed from the fields of computer science and statistics; yet, social scientists have substantially different goals. We focus on the development of methods that…

Science for Policy 2.0

32-141 , United States

We live in an increasingly polarized present, looking to a complex and uncertain future while basing our legislative decisions on systems of the past. We need the processes and structures that underpin our political decision-making to be aligned with the complexities of the 21st century. Such changes cannot be undertaken by a technocratic elite, potentially…

A Rationally Designed Biomolecular Integral Feedback Control System for Robust Gene Regulation

32-141 , United States

Abstract Humans have been influencing the DNA of plants and animals for thousands of years through selective breeding. Yet it is only over the last 3 decades or so that we have gained the ability to manipulate the DNA itself and directly alter its sequences through the modern tools of genetic engineering. This has revolutionized…

Finding Online Extremists in Social Networks

32-141 , United States

Abstract Online extremists in social networks pose a new form of threat to the general public. These extremists range from cyber bullies who harass innocent users to terrorist organizations such as ISIS that use social networks to spread propaganda. Currently, social networks suspend the accounts of such extremists in response to user complaints, but these…

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