Jaime Araoz Medanic
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Jaime is the CEO of BRECA, the largest family-owned business conglomerate in Peru, which groups companies across ten different sectors, including mining, fishing, health, explosives, paints and coatings, and real estate development; several of them world leaders in their industry. He has worked at Breca for over 15 years, and in addition to leading the Group, he is a Board Member of Rimac, Minsur, Marcobre, Raura Mining, Tasa, Corporación Peruana de Productos Químicos, EXSA, INTURSA, Melón (Chile), among others. He also serves as Alternate Board Member of BBVA Banco Continental and Board Member of Aporta, Breca’s social impact lab, and of the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). He has a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management.