Personalized heart models for surgical planning
MIT News Office | September 17, 2015

Researchers at MIT and Boston Children’s Hospital have developed a system that, in a few hours, can convert MRI scans into 3D-printed models for surgical planning.


State of growth
MIT News Office | September 9, 2015

Recent study focusing on Colombia suggests that states develop and spur economic growth best when they grow at both the local and national levels.


Self-driving golf carts
MIT News Office | September 1, 2015

SMART conducts six-day experiment with self-driving golf carts in Singapore public garden.


How Nairobi Got its Ad-Hoc Bus System on Google Maps | August 26, 2015

Digital Matatus project produces the first map of a non-formal matatu transit system in Nairobi.


Digital Matatus project makes the invisible visible
MIT News Office | August 26, 2015

Novel research project Digital Matatus produces the first map of an informal matatu (or mini-bus) transportation system in Nairobi. A joint effort involving MIT, Columbia University, the University of Nairobi, and Groupshot Design Consultancy, Digital Matatus is making it possible for anyone with a smartphone to navigate the city using a matatu.


IDSS Announces New Postdocs for Academic Year
August 19, 2015

IDSS postdoctral fellowships are highly competitive, interdisciplinary postdoctoral positions designed to foster cross-disciplinary research at the interface of social sciences, information and decision systems, and statistics.


2015 Global Risk Maturity Survey launched
MIT News Office | August 18, 2015

The MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation announced recently the formation with Infosys of the Global Risk Advisory Group to help industry identify, quantify, and mitigate operational, financial, supply chain, and cyber risks using analytics and data science. The group...


Buzzkill Profs: Hedge Funds Do Half as Well as You Think
Bloomberg Business | August 17, 2015

It’s the dog days of summer, when college professors are supposed to be doing nothing but mimeographing their syllabus and mending the elbow patches on their blazers (or whatever it is that they do in the summer. But that’s not stopping some academics...


Better estimates of worldwide mercury pollution
MIT News Office | August 12, 2015

Once mercury is emitted into the atmosphere from the smokestacks of power plants, the pollutant has a complicated trajectory; even after it settles onto land and sinks into oceans, mercury can be re-emitted back into the atmosphere repeatedly. This so-called...


MIT researchers awarded grants from new Siebel Energy Institute
MIT News Office | August 7, 2015

The Siebel Energy Institute marked its official launch this week with the announcement of 24 research grants nearing $1 million.


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