MIT to test out electric vehicle shuttles
MIT Aerospace Controls Lab and Ford are rolling out three on-demand electric vehicle shuttles at MIT in the fall. Jonathan How is director of ACL.
READ MORERobert Berwick Selected to Give 2016 STOQ Lecture at the Vatican
Prof. Berwick spoke about his recent book, Why Only Us, co-authored with linguistics professor Noam Chomsky and published by the MIT Press.
READ MOREEytan Modiano and collaborators win Best Paper Award at MobiHoc
Modiano, along with student Abhishek Sinha and collaborator Prof. Leandros Tassiulas (Yale), received the best paper award at ACM MobiHoc 2016 for their paper.
IDSS and MIT Professional Education address data science challenges in new online course
This new online course is designed for those looking to enhance their ability to understand and analyze large data sets.
READ MOREVideos from TPP at 40 event available online
Watch videos from this event, which marked 40 years of the MIT Technology and Policy Program.
READ MORESo Many Research Scientists, So Few Openings as Professors
New York Times piece cites paper co-authored by TPP alum Xi Yue and IDSS faculty member Richard Larson
Devavrat Shah named director of MIT Statistics and Data Science Center
New center focuses on the development and management of academic programs in statistics and data science.
Better views with smaller satellites
Paper co-authored by Olivier de Weck looks at how teams of shoebox-sized satellites could improve estimates of Earth’s reflected energy.
READ MOREMIT researchers see a ‘window of opportunity’ for non-battery storage
Report from Jessika Tracik and co-authors looks at combining certain energy storage technologies with wind and solar power projects.