How healthy is the U.S. voting system?
MIT SHASS / MIT News | October 24, 2016

Professor Charles Stewart III explains why the U.S. electoral system is strong and how MIT research is making the voting process even more seamless.


Why have solar energy costs fallen?
MIT IDSS | October 21, 2016

MIT team awarded U.S. Department of Energy grant to investigate cost reductions in solar energy systems.


MRIs for fetal health
MIT News Office | October 21, 2016

Algorithm could help analyze fetal scans to determine whether interventions are warranted.


Automating big-data analysis
MIT News Office | October 21, 2016

With new algorithms, data scientists could accomplish in days what has traditionally taken months.


IDSS announces new student council
MIT IDSS | October 20, 2016

In order to facilitate connections and provide an open environment for discussion, IDSS has assembled a new student council. Ali Jadbabaie, director of the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) will serve as the council's faculty advisor.


Leading with Data
MIT Spectrum | October 19, 2016

Seven MIT faculty—including Emery Brown, Munther Dahleh, and Sandy Pentland—talk about advancing health in a data-rich era.


International Policy Lab issues second annual call for proposals to faculty and researchers
International Policy Lab / MIT News | October 19, 2016

“IPL support was essential in responding to a request by the White House EOP for input ahead of the Paris climate negotiations on the rate and determinants of clean energy technology innovation,” says Jessika Trancik, the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Assistant Professor of Energy Studies at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society.


3Qs with Fotini Christia and Ali Jadbabaie on researching sociopolitical change
MIT School of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences | October 12, 2016

Borders between disciplines at MIT have proven increasingly permeable in recent years. Now, with the new Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS), researchers in the social sciences have a powerful platform for collaborating with peers in engineering and the natural sciences.


Analyzing the 2016 election: Insights from 12 MIT scholars
MIT SHASS / MIT News | October 12, 2016

Experts from MIT SHASS (including Charles Stewart III) weigh in on topics from polling to rhetoric to individual campaign issues.


MIT economist & IDSS Launch Event keynote speaker Bengt Holmström wins Nobel Prize
MIT News Office | October 11, 2016

Bengt Holmström has been named a winner of the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for his work on contract theory.


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