For Hotels, Online Reviews Really Matter to the Bottom Line
The Wall Street Journal | November 18, 2016

Researchers, including Sinan Aral, find that hotel ratings changes on popular review platforms lead to changes in demand and price.


Seeking to inform India’s climate policy choices
MIT Energy Initiative / MIT News | November 17, 2016

Arun Singh (TPP student) shares energy-economic modeling research at UN Climate Change Conference. (One of Singh's advisors is Valerie Karplus, a TPP and Engineering Systems PhD alum.)


Tackling society’s big problems with systems theory
MIT News Office | November 14, 2016

Ali Jadbabaie seeks to optimize large-scale systems, from social networks to teams of people or devices.


Election Got You Feeling Down? Good News: It Isn’t Just You
WIRED | November 8, 2016

Opinion piece by Maimuna Majumder, an Engineering Systems PhD candidate.


Whose Life Should Your Car Save?
The New York Times | November 3, 2016

Op-ed co-written by Iyad Rahwan looks at an ethical dilemma related to self-driving cars.


Alberto Abadie among eight new SHASS faculty members
MIT SHASS / MIT News | November 3, 2016

Professor Abadie joined the MIT Department of Economics and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) in the fall of 2016.


Security Artificial Intelligence Does Better With Human Experts
Forbes | November 1, 2016

An artificial intelligence engine can do a much better job of detecting security threats when it has a little help from a human, according to Kalyan Veeramachaneni, principal research scientist, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at MIT.


Making computers explain themselves
MIT News Office | October 28, 2016

New training technique would reveal the basis for machine-learning systems’ decisions. (Tommi Jaakkola is a co-author of the paper.)

Ali Jadbabaie

Ali Jadbabaie among new engineering faculty for 2016-2017
MIT School of Engineering / MIT News | October 27, 2016

Jadbabaie joined the MIT faculty as a full professor with dual appointments in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and IDSS in July 2016. He is the JR East Professor of Engineering, director of SSRC, and an associate director of IDSS.


Elchanan Mossel among seven new faculty members joining the School of Science this fall
MIT School of Science / MIT News | October 27, 2016

Mossel joins the faculty of the Department of Mathematics as a full professor, with a joint appointment at the Statistics and Data Science Center of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.


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