Crowd in front of HUBweek entrance with tents and lights

MIT and HUBweek showcase ideas and innovators making the future
MIT News Office | October 2, 2018

IDSS will help kick off HUBweek with a student-run Policy Hackathon, bringing together students, data scientists, policy and urban planning researchers, and other domain specialists to tackle local, complex challenges.

Aviv Regev

The cartographer of cells
MIT Tech Review | October 1, 2018

Statistics and Data Science Center affiliate Aviv Regev helped pioneer single-cell genomics. Now she’s co-chairing a massive effort to map the trillions of cells in the human body.

David Simchi-Levi

Advancing global retail operations through analytics and machine learning
MIT News Office | September 27, 2018

David Simchi-Levi discusses insights from recent research in collaboration with some of the world's largest retailers.

With the U.S. midterm elections approaching, a new report on keeping voting systems safe from hackers was co-authored by MIT professors Ronald L. Rivest (left) and Charles Stewart III.

Report outlines keys to election security
MIT News Office | September 25, 2018

IDSS affiliate and Political Science professor Charles Stewart III has co-authored a report calling for ballot paper trails and other resilient practices to avoid election hacking.

A 'caixer' (horse rider) rears up on his horse during the Gracia Festival in Mahon, Spain, Sept. 8, 2018

Social Physics: Reinventing Analytics to Better Predict Human Behaviors
Wall Street Journal | September 21, 2018

The research of IDSS and Media Lab professor Alex ' Sandy' Pentland shows that predicting human behavior requires the ability to frequently analyze relatively small data sets collected over short periods of time.

Jehangir Amjad's project merges his passion for the game of cricket and his fascination with operations research.

A game changer takes on cricket’s statistical problem
MIT News Office | September 20, 2018

Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems alumnus and CSAIL lecturer Jehangir Amjad uses statistical methods to predict likely outcomes with limited data.

MIT researchers have employed a new machine-learning technique to substantially reduce false positives in fraud-detecting technologies.

Reducing false positives in credit card fraud detection
MIT News Office | September 20, 2018

Model developed by researchers at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) extracts granular behavioral patterns from transaction data to more accurately flag suspicious activity.

Munther Dahleh

Why the Data Marketplaces of the Future Will Sell Insights, Not Data
MIT Sloan Management Review | September 18, 2018

Data is recognized as a business asset, but we lack efficient ways to price it, says IDSS director Munther Dahleh. He proposes a marketplace that bases the cost of data on the financial value it generates.

Pablo Parrilo

Pablo Parrilo Appointed Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor
September 18, 2018

The appointment is a senior faculty chaired professorship given in recognition of his outstanding contributions and achievements in both teaching and research.

Asuman Ozdaglar

Asu Ozdaglar Appointed School of Engineering Distinguished Professor of Engineering
September 18, 2018

The former LIDS director and current head of EECS is recognized for her outstanding teaching, leadership, and contributions to her field.


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