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Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Making Data-Driven Decisions

Developed by 10 MIT faculty members at IDSS, this seven-week course is specially designed for data scientists, business analysts, engineers and technical managers looking to learn strategies to harness data. Offered by MIT xPRO. Course begins Oct 15, 2018.

Augmented Lagrangians and Decomposition in Convex and Nonconvex Programming


Multiplier methods based on augmented Lagrangians are attractive in convex and nonconvex programming for their stabilizing and even convexifying properties. They have widely been seen, however, as incompatible with taking advantage of a block-separable structure. In fact, when articulated in the right way, they can produce decomposition algorithms in which low-dimensional subproblems can be solved…

Can machine learning survive the artificial intelligence revolution?

32-141 , United States

  Abstract: Data and algorithms are ubiquitous in all scientific, industrial and personal domains. Data now come in multiple forms (text, image, video, web, sensors, etc.), are massive, and require more and more complex processing beyond their mere indexation or the computation of simple statistics, such as recognizing objects in images or translating texts. For…

SES PhD Admissions Webinar


Learn about admission to the Social and Engineering Systems Doctoral Program. Webinars are led by a member of the IDSS faculty, who introduces the program and answers your questions. Please register in advance.

Algorithmic thresholds for tensor principle component analysis

Abstract: Consider the problem of recovering a rank 1 tensor of order k that has been subject to Gaussian noise. The log-likelihood for this problem is highly non-convex. It is information theoretically possible to recover the tensor with a finite number of samples via maximum likelihood estimation, however, it is expected that one needs a…

Distributed Statistical Estimation of High-Dimensional Distributions and Parameters under Communication Constraints


Modern data sets are often distributed across multiple machines and processors, and bandwidth and energy limitations in networks and within multiprocessor systems often impose significant bottlenecks on the performance of algorithms. Motivated by this trend, we consider the problem of estimating high-dimensional distributions and parameters in a distributed network, where each node in the network…

IDSS Retail Conference 2018

Microsoft New England Research and Development Center One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, United States

The retail sector is undergoing fundamental changes as a result of data analytics and computer science. The IDSS Retail Conference 2018 will bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss a variety of topics addressing “Data Driven Disruption” in the Retail Sector.

Alan Frieze

MIT Statistics and Data Science Center host guest lecturers from around the world in this weekly seminar.

Computing with Assemblies


Computation in the brain has been modeled productively at many scales, ranging from molecules to dendrites, neurons, and synapses, all the way to the whole brain models useful in cognitive science. I will discuss recent work on an intermediate layer, involving assemblies of neurons --- that is to say, sets of neurons firing together in…

SES PhD Admissions Webinar


Learn about admission to the Social and Engineering Systems Doctoral Program. Webinars are led by a member of the IDSS faculty, who introduces the program and answers your questions. Please register in advance.

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